Generic weekly agenda:

  1. Before each lecture (1-3 hours): Read the announced pages below in the book
  2. Attend/follow the weekly lecture (2 hours) - either live or by watching the podcast (be aware that podcast recordings were made using the programming language R instead of Python)
  3. Attend the exercise classes (2 hours): Complete the exercises listed below (click the link e.g. E1.1 links to Chapter 1 Exercise 1)
  4. Afterwards: Test yourself using online test quizzes (typical exam questions, takes around 1-2 hours)

Use the Python Code to Download Content to your local computer. Remember to edit the path for correctly downloading to destination folder.

NB: The slides in English are not direct translations of the Danish slides. Slides are similar to the slides from 02402.

No Date Topic Book Read Slides Extra Exercises Quiz
1 7/2 Introduction and Python Chap1 All Novotalk
E1.1, E1.2, E1.3, Quiz1, E1.4, Find solutions here TestQuiz1
2 14/2 Probability I Chap2 Sec. 2.1-2.3 Slides2da
week2_python.ipynb E2.1, E2.4, E2.5, E2.7, E2.8, Quiz2, Find solutions here TestQuiz2
3 21/2 Probability II Chap2 Sec. 2.4-2.8 Slides3da
week3_python.ipynb E2.9, E2.10, E2.11, E2.12, E2.13, Quiz3, Find solutions here TestQuiz3
4 28/2 Confidence Intervals Chap3 Sec. 3.1.1-3.1.6 and 3.1.9 Slides4da
week4_python.ipynb E3.1, E3.2, Quiz4, Find solutions here TestQuiz4
5 7/3 Hypothesis Testing Chap3 Sec. 3.1.7-3.1.9 Slides5da
week5_python.ipynb E3.3, E3.4, Quiz5, Find solutions here TestQuiz5
6 14/3 Analysis of Two Samples Chap3 Sec. 3.2-3.3 Slides6da
week6_python.ipynb E3.6, E3.7, E3.8, E3.9, Quiz6, Find solutions here TestQuiz6
7 21/3 Simulation Methods Chap4 All (Sec. 4.4 is optional) Slides7da
week7_python.ipynb E4.1, E4.2, E4.3, E4.4, E4.5, Quiz7, Find solutions here TestQuiz7
8 28/3 Simple Linear Regression Chap5 All (Except Sec. 5.2.1 and 5.5,
and you may skip the proofs)
week8_python.ipynb E5.1, E5.2, E5.3, E5.4, E5.5, E5.6 , Find solutions here TestQuiz8
9 4/4 Multiple Linear Regression Chap6 Sec. 6.1-6.5 Slides9da
week9_python.ipynb E6.1, E6.2, Find solutions here TestQuiz9
10 11/4 Categorical and Count Data Chap7 All Slides10da
week10_python.ipynb E7.1, E7.2, E7.3 (a,b), E7.4 (a,b), E7.5, Quiz10, Find solutions here TestQuiz10
11 25/4 Grouped Data
(one-way ANOVA)
Chap8 Sec. 8.1-8.2 Slides11da
week11_python.ipynb E8.1, E8.2, E8.3, E8.4, Quiz11, Find solutions here TestQuiz11
12 2/5 Sample Size and
Statistical Power (Revision)
Chap3 Sec. 3.3 and Sec. 7.2.2 Slides12da
week12_python.ipynb E3.5, E3.10, E7.3 (c), E7.4 (c) Quiz12, Find solutions here TestQuiz12
13 9/5 Summary Book All A: Summary slides (DA)
B: Overview Slide
C: Statistics courses
Distributions_Notations_and_Python PreviousExams TestQuiz13